Discover Superior Cosmetic Dentistry in Kennesaw, GA
Dr. Russell G. Anderson Jr. DMD, PC
We welcome you to Russell G. Anderson Jr. DMD, PC, located in Kennesaw, GA! We are a high-quality local dental practice that focuses on giving families beautiful smiles. Kennesaw dentist, Dr. Anderson, DMD, and our highly qualified team are determined to give you and your family an enjoyable and effortless dental experience. We will help you achieve the smile and oral health results you want.
With Acworth area dentist, Dr. Anderson, DMD, you can always expect to receive exceptional dental care. He and his team value respect, camaraderie, and excellence in oral and dental health care. We heed to your concerns, answer your questions, and are always open and honest with you. Whether you’re receiving a routine dental check-up or a more advanced dental procedure, Dr. Anderson, DMD and his team will make sure you feel relaxed and comfortable.
Our dental practice is located in Kennesaw, GA, near Acworth, GA, and boasts the latest in dental technology and state-of-the-art dental equipment, giving you precise and prompt results. These technological advancements make standard dental procedures easier and more accurate than ever.
Our staff strives to make our office in Kennesaw, GA, a warm and inviting environment. We will ensure that every dental visit you have with us is a safe and successful one. Together, we will work to create a functional, attractive smile that you can be proud of.
New Patient Online Offer
FREE Cosmetic, Invisalign, or Implant Consultation
($249 Value)
Call 770-419-2535 today to schedule.
Contact Us
What Our Patients Say
Ashley’s Story
Tim’s Story
Kristy’s Story
Dental Services We Offer
Our dental professionals offer unparalleled dental care in the following areas, among others:
C o s m e t i c D e n t i s t r y
D e n t a l I m p l a n t s
P e r i o d o n t i c T r e a t m e n t
I n v i s a l i g n C l e a r A l i g n e r s
What Our Patients Say
Russell Anderson Jr. Dentistry
Cosmetic, General & Family Dentistry
4.9 / 5.0
Based on 325+ Google reviews
Request an Appointment Today!
Serving Kennesaw and Acworth, GA!
Schedule a dental exam today at Russell G. Anderson Jr. DMD, PC, to make sure your oral health is at its prime. Dr. Anderson, DMD and his team can help you discover the many different ways you can improve your smile. Call our office today to start working on your dream smile today.