It’s not realistic for most people to completely avoid sugary treats. If you can abstain, kudos to you. If you can’t, be aware that eating sweets at certain times is better for your teeth than others. For instance, when you eat a full meal, your saliva production increases. This helps to rinse food particles from […]
Gum disease
Think Before You Pierce
If you are considering puncturing your lip or tongue, this post is for you. Please consider the following: Infection Your mouth is full of bacteria. Any opening in the tissue carries the risk of infection. The germs from your tongue and mouth can easily get into your bloodstream. Dentists and doctors are continually treating severe […]
How Often Should I Replace My Toothbrush?
As you stand over the sink and notice the frayed bristles of your cherished toothbrush, it’s time to ask yourself: Should you replace it? We all brush our teeth daily, and like a favorite pair of jeans, our toothbrushes can feel more comfortable the longer we use them. However, this isn’t a good thing when […]
How Much Do You Know About Gum Disease?
Do you understand the risks involved with gum disease? At Russel Anderson Jr. Dentistry, we know that there are a number of factors to consider. See if you’re up to speed on gum disease with this short quiz! 1. Which of the things listed below are risk factors for gum disease (periodontitis)? a. Pregnancy […]
Not Happy With Your Gums? Ask About Contouring
At Russell Anderson Jr. Dentistry, we know that a full smile makeover can sometimes mean changing more than teeth! Some Atlanta and Kennesaw dental patients who are interested in a full smile makeover might want to consider gum contouring. This cosmetic dentistry procedure is helpful for people who feel that their gums rest too low […]
Why Improve Your Smile?
Causes and consequences of poor dental health and how you can brush up on your own Most of us struggle with at least one area of our dental care. It could be that flossing is the one dreaded task, or maybe you haven’t been wearing the night guard recommended often enough. All of us should […]
Unmasking the Threat of Gum Disease and At-Risk Individuals in Atlanta
Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is a stealthy adversary that can creep into our mouths with little warning. For some individuals, the risk of developing gum disease is significantly higher due to various factors. Russell Anderson Jr. Dentistry, located near Atlanta, is dedicated to shedding light on the importance of understanding gum disease […]
3 Vital Reasons to Floss Regularly
Are you an avid flosser? Many of us occasionally skip this required habit. Studies show that around 68% of men and women report flossing at least once a week while 20% say they truly never floss. Skipping the dedicated flossing routine can have devastating consequences on your overall dental health and result in costly dental […]
Russell Anderson Jr. Dentistry Guide To Healthy Tooth Enamel
Tooth enamel is one of the strongest substances in the body, but it is non-renewable so it is vital to not neglect or abuse our teeth. Daily teeth and gum care is the best way to protect tooth enamel. Even though every drug store carries hard bristle brushes, we advise our patients to brush with […]
Why You Shouldn’t Dread Going To The Dentist
Do you have a dental issue that needs attention? Have you been putting off a dental visit? Good news! Dentistry in the Kennesaw area and around Georgia is nothing like it was when you were a kid. (Even if you’re still a kid, we invite you to keep reading.) There Is No Reason to Avoid […]